WoW Overview: Beast Mastery Talents
It is a staple for a build where you want to do damage in WoW World. A 2,000 point crit could become a 2,600 point death-dealer. Tier 5–Requires 20 points in Marksmanship talents and you can buy some cheap World of Warcraft gold to upgrade your character.
If you like Improved Concussive Shot, this offers your normal shot a chance to hit the target, just as other classes own talents. It could be very helpful if you like your target's stunned to allow you to build more damaging attacks.
Scatter Shot–rank 1/1 (A short-range shot that deals 50% weapon damage and confuses the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used. (123 Mana.
This is treated as the reason to put 21 points in the Marksmanship tree ability, and not
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