Spectator Friendly
Look at Pandemic/Fnatics online performance then, and look at it during their struggles, it is very obvious they were no longer interested in the game about wow gold. With the exception of SK-US, who intentionally tanks their ratings and always keeps their real roster hidden to stay under the radar, every team doing well in tournaments is at the top of their BGs. And you see the same teams finish at high standings sell World Of Warcraft Gold tournament after tournament about wow gold.Yes, there is a lot of consistency in WOW; the best teams always win, even if it is not always the flashiest team. A lot of people disliked Skys tower rush in WC3 too, and felt he beat "superior" players with a "cheap" strategy. Just because a comp does not seem to rely on finesse, does not mean other teams can produce the same result with it. With the number of possible combinations of comps/specs in WOW, you are only limited by your imagination about wow gold.
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