Pirates of the Burning Sea : Career Skill Changes Preview
1.12 contains a variety of changes to career skills. These changes are based on a combination of your feedback about the careers and data about how the skills and careers are getting used. There’s a theme to the changes for each career:
Buccaneers: We want to make their group skills more worthwhile and give them more active time in combat with less cooldown cycling. This means they gained some reload rate, improved Command skills, lower reset timers and loosened skill use requirements.
Cutthroats: They’re close to where we want them, but there are a few areas where they can use some improvement. One of those is the general lack of damage resistance, and another is a couple skills that aren’t very useful.
Freetraders: This milestone doesn’t have many changes for Freetraders, as most of our plans for them are longer term.
Naval Officers: We’re making a set of changes to help Navy with their speed and morale issues.
Privateers: This class is seeing the most varied set of changes. They’re gaining better spike defense and improvements to a variety of skills. We’re also planning some chain restructuring down the road.
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