Death Rune
Death Knight rune system is totally different from the Mana, Rage, and Energy systems of other classes
and is only applied or can be used by the Death Knights. Although there is not much that is known about
the rune system and the information about it can change anytime before the game is finally released, below
are some of the things we do know about the rune system. The key elements of the death knight rune system
are the runes. There are three kinds of runes, each one corresponding to each the talent trees or talent
progression available for the Death Knights. The runes are the following: Blood, Frost and Unholy.
For each of these three, there are 2 main types, thus Death Knights have a total of 6 runes. The runes
can be used in combination, and skills and spells used by Death Knights will consume the runes' powers. A
10 second countdown will then follow. Do remember though that some abilities can be used to immediately
refresh some runes.
A fourth type of main rune is also available for the Death Knight. Known as the Death Rune, this one is
special in that if can be created using Blood Tap or through Death Rune Mastery or even through the Blood
of the North talent.
If you know about a Warrior's Rage, it is the same thing as the Death Knight's Runic Power. The more Death
Knight uses his runes, the more that the bar of Runic Power fills up. There are special skills, spells, or
abilities that can only be done using Runic Power. When not used, the Runic Power will diminish over time.
Also remember that the more Runic Power you utilize for a spell, for example, the more powerful it would
be and vice versa.
Knowing about the Death Knight's melee and casting abilities, they might likely become the most sought
after characters in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. As early as now, it would be best that you plan
your game so that you can get to level 55 first before other players and get a Death Knight.
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